A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Prejudice is a negative attitude, especially when it is related to hatred or intolerance for certain groups of people.
2. Attitude is a mindset that decides how an individual perceives an idea or a situation and responds to it.
3. Our past experiences also serve as a caution, and helps us to protect ourselves from dangerous situations.
4. A person with 'I'm OK: You're OK' life-position has an assertive communication style.
5. When we categorise people, we overlook their individual qualities and therefore fail to understand and appeal to them.

B.Answer the following questions:

1. Write two instances where your perspective has influenced your behaviour towards a classmate or
a friend.
Our perspective (point of view) in life can greatly influence our behaviour towards a classmate or a
friend. Two instances for example are:-
(i)-Either we bully or tease a classmate/friend or we help them and be friends with them.
ii) Either we withdraw from the society and be delinquent or we find ways to interact with our classmates and friends and be a better person.

Our perspective in life can make or break us. It develops from the home so it is important to have open communication with our parents/guardians and siblings so we can develop a good perspective in life.

2. Has any of your past experiences affected your communication with others? state how it affected
the outcome of the communication.
A person's past experience plays a big role in shaping their perception of communication. This is vital to understand in a business environment because it will affect whether or not your customers want to buy, from you· Post experience can include anything from childhood to something they did someone's last week.

3. How does the environment affect communication? Cite an example.
Environment contexts can have negative and/or positive effects on interpersonal communication or
produce barriers, things that inhibit effective communication. So things like location, temperature, weather, or time of day affect communication and present different barriers to effective communication.

4. Surabhi and her friends are debating about an artwork. Some of them think that it is a jungle scene, while others perceive it as a person's life journey. Which factors are influencing this perspective towards that artwork?
Trees and long-running paths covered with leaves are the factors influencing their perspective towards that artwork Some people taught it was jungle by seeing huge trees while some said it is the life journey of a person by seeing a never-ending path.

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