A.Fill in the blanks:

1. Facial expression is the most noticeable aspect of non-verbal communication.
2. The most significant advantage of oral communication is that it provides immediate feedback.
3. The use of visual aids grabs the attention of the students and keeps them engaged.
4. Written communication is the most formal form of communication.
5. Tone is an example of non-verbal communication.

B.Answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and limitations of oral communication? Explain with examples:
Advantages of oral communication:-
  • It is cost-efficient,
  • It is interpersonal and helps in building relationship
  • Oral message provides prompt feedback.
  • It is the preferred mode of communication for private or confidential matters.

Limitations of oral communication:-
  • In this form of communication, emotions are visible and hence can lead to miscommunication.
  • It has no legal validity.
  • As there is no permanent record the message can easily be forgotten.
  • This form of communication is not suitable for lengthy messages.

Examples-Personal discussions, Informal conversation, Telephone conversation, Interviews, staff meetings, face-to-face meetings.

2. Explain with the help of an example how body language may support or contradict a  message.
Body language is termed as untold communication. The body language can either be gestures, facial expressions, postures, etc. The body language supports most of the presentation greatly. It is also required to conduct and attend interviews successfully. The body language clearly expresses the positive and negative aspects. 
For Example-Folding hands throughout the interview process gives a negative impact on the interviewer whereas A firm handshake gives the interviewer and the interview a positive attitude.

3. What is the significance of Visual communication?
Any verbal or non-verbal. communication utilising the sense of sight is known as Visual communication.There are various advantages of visual communication. Visual aids like graphs, diagram modele etc. make oral communication meaningful. They make complex data easy to comprehend. They make communication more interesting. But it also has some disadvantages like sometimes aids used in visual method are coastly and takes much time to communicate.

4. Prateek wants to share the marketing criteria for the final project with his team metes. Suggest him the preferred channel for task and give reasons for the same.
He should use general conversation for sharing the marketing criteria to his team mates because oral conversation is very effective interaction with teammates. He can immediately understand the teammates reaction and arrive at satisfactory conclusion by expressing his views and taking feedback from his teammates.

5. Enlist the disadvantages of Non-verbal communication.
Disadvantages of Non-verbal communication-
  • It is difficult to analyze a non-verbal message, thus leaving a greater possibility of distortion of Information.
  • Long conversation and necessary explanations are not possible in non-verbal communication.

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