A. Multiple choice questions:

1. The 'S' is SMART strategy stand for_.
    (a). Short
    (b). Specific
    (c). Schedule
    (d). Systematic
Ans. (b) Specific

2. A_target informs you whether you are progressing at the right pace or not.
    (a). Defined
    (b). Time-bound
    (c). Schedule_bound
    (d). Accountable
Ans. (b) Time-bound

3. _skills is the ability to use your time, energy, and resources effectively to achieve goals.
    (a). Organisation
    (b). Scheduling
    (c). Accountability
    (d). Time management
Ans. (a) Organisation

4. It is important to prepare a _ to accommodate the planned tasks and other activities.
    (a). Schedule
    (b). Date-sheet
    (c). Planning
    (d). Task-sheet
Ans. (a) Schedule

5. A _ attitude helps one to focus on the possible solutions.
    (a). Good
    (b). Problem-centred
    (c). Time-bound
    (d). Solution-centred
Ans. (d) Solution-centred

B. Fill in the blanks:

1. Organisation skills is the ability to use your time, energy, and resources effectively to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

2. Being accountable means being responsible for your actions.

3. The avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished is called Procrastination.

4. The mindset that helps us to focus on the possible solution is called Solution-centred attitude. 

5. Initiative means doing the right thing without being told what to do.

C. Answer the following:

1. what is self-management? How is it different from management?
self-management is managing yourself to achieve the pre-determined tasks or goals that you have set for yourself by organizing your time being accountable for decisions etc. 
Self-management is different from management because management means management is done by a group of people whereas self-management means management done by myself means taking decisions myself.

2. Discuss the importance for devising a realistic and time-bound plan.
To achieve bigger goals, it is essential to break them into smaller actionable tasks. By devising a realistic and time-bound plan we increase our chance of achieving what we want in life.
Realistic- Devise a realistic plan for example- rather than saying 'I will devote  8 hours to my studies every day' a more realistic goal may be to say 'I will study for 3-4 hours regularly'.
Time-bound- A time-bound target informs you are progressing at the right pace or not. For example, rather than saying, 'I will complete this chapter' a time-bound target would be. 'I will finish this chapter by 8 pm'.

3. The chapter mentions 'measurable' as part of the SMART strategy. What do you understand by it? How do you measure your progress?
Measurable- A goal without a measurable outcome is like a sports competition without a scoreboard. we should make our progress measurable. For example, rather than saying, 'I will speed up my learning' a more measurable target would be, 'I will solve 20 math problems in 2 hours' measuring my own progress report every day after completing the daily target.

4.What is the importance of self-management ? Explain briefly.
self-management yourself to achieve the pre-determined tasks or goals that you have set for yourself by regulating your actions, organizing your time, and being accountable for your decision. Appropriate self-management can help students perform better in school, can reduce delinquent behavior, and can help individuals perform better on the job. Self-management is a great skill to be developed for life and work.

5. Discuss any three strategies of Organisation Skills that you would like to apply in your life. How do you hope to benefit from them?
The 3 strategies that I would like to apply are as follows:-
  • (i)-Specific- A well-defined task helps us to focus our efforts.
  • (ii)-Achievable- Set targets that are realistic and can be achieved. setting unattainable targets results in a false sense of failure, loss of motivation, etc.
  • (iii)-Estimate the time required for each task- Be realistic in estimating the time required to accomplish the tasks as it helps us to plan effectively.
These all strategies will make me focus on my goal, increase the chance of achieving what I want in life, will let me know about my progress, and will also make me more productive.

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