1. What do you mean by cell referencing?
A cell reference refers to a cell or range in cells in a spreadsheet that can be used in a formula or function.

2. Define the following cell reference with an example:-
(a) Absolute reference - Absolute reference is used when you do not want to change the address of the cells while copying the formula to another cell. 
example - $A$1 + $A$2

(b) Relative reference - When you create a formula, references to a cell are usually based on the position relative to the active cell. When you copy or move a formula to another cell, the cell reference will change automatically.
example - A1 + A2

(c) Mixed reference - It is a combination of Relative and Absolute reference. In this type of reference, either row or column has to remain fixed. 
example - $C5 + D$2
3. Differentiate between Absolute and Relative reference.
Absolute reference - Absolute referencing is used when you do not want to change the address of the cell while copying the formula.
Relative reference - Relative referencing is used when we want to change the address of the cell while copying the formula.

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