Answer the following questions:- 

1. Describe the undo and redo commands. 

Ans. The undo command allows you to cancel the last action performed. (shortcut control + Z) 

The redo command is highlighted when you have performed undo operation in the document. This reverse the action which is performed by the undo command. (shortcut control + Y)

2. What do you mean by editing text? 

Ans. Editing text means corrections to it, and manipulating it in such a manner that would lead to the desired result it includes inserting deleting copying moving etc.

3. How can you select an entire paragraph? 

Ans. Triple-click anywhere in the paragraph, or double-click in the left margin of the paragraph.

4. What is the difference between copy-paste and cut-paste operations? 

Ans. Copy-paste text means to keep the text at its original location as well as copy it to another location. 

Cut paste allows us to change the position of text from one place to another. To move a piece of text, we use the cut option rather than the copy option.

5. Describe find and replace commands.

Ans. While looking for certain words in a large document it is very convenient to go to the entire text. Microsoft Word has the find and replace feature that is used for searching as well as replacing the text.

6. How to jump from one page to another in a document?

Ans. We use the Go-To feature to directly jump from one page to another easily and quickly. To jump to a particular page number, follow these steps:-

  • Click on the page number available on the Status Bar. 
  • The find and replace dialogue box opens with the Go-To tab. 
  • Enter the page number on which you want to move and click on Ok. 
  • You will reach on the page number entered by you.

7. What does a red wavy line signify?

Ans. A red wavy line under any word signifies incorrectly spelled world.

8. What is a thesaurus?

Ans. Thesaurus is a built-in dictionary that enables you to look up synonyms, antonyms, Word substitutes, and alternate spellings. When we look up a word in a thesaurus, it will provide you a list of alternative words which you can use in place of an existing word.


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