A. Multiple Choice Questions: 

1. HTTP is an acronym for  

  • a. HyperText Transfer Protocol 
  • b. HyperText Transcript Protocol 
  • c. HyperTech Transfer Protocol 
  • d. HyperTech Transcript Protocol 
Ans. a. HyperText Transfer Protocol

2. A web page is written using language. 

  • a. C++ 
  • b. Python 
  • c. HTML 
  • d. Java 

Ans. c. HTML

3. A set of rules used to communicate in a network is called   

  • a. Hyperlink 
  • b. Web page 
  • c. Satellite 
  • d. Protocol 

Ans. d. Protocol

4. A unique name given to each website is called   

  • a. Domain 
  • b. TCP/IP 
  • c. Web Name 
  • d. Title 

Ans. a. Domain

5. Chrome and Internet Explorer are popular  

  • a. Websites 
  • b. Search Engines 
  • c. Web Browsers 
  • d. Internet Service Provider 

Ans. c. Web Browsers

B. Fill in the Blanks: 

1. Web browser is an interface between a user and the World Wide Web. 

2. Web pages are written in HTML.   

3. The URL denotes the global address of the web documents and the web resources. 

4. The contents of a static web page never or rarely needs to be updated. 

5. A Website can be compared with a book and webpage with the particular page of that book.

C. Answer the Following Questions: 

1. What is the Internet? What are its applications? 

Ans. Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that enables the user to share information and various resources with each other. 

Some of the applications of the internet are as follows:

  • email 
  • business 
  • eCommerce 
  • media and entertainment 
  • social networking 
  • forum 
  • health and fitness
  • education

2. What do you understand by the term Web Browser? Mention some popular web browsers. 

Ans. A Web browser is a software that is used to view websites. It is an interface between users and the World Wide Web. 

Some popular web browsers are:- Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, OPERA, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, etc.

3. What is the difference between a Website and Web page? 

Ans. A website is a collection of web pages, connected by links. It contains information on a subject, whereas a web page is a single page of content on a website that contains more specific information. We can compare a Website with a book and a web page with the particular page of that book.

4. Define URL. Explain its parts with the help of an example.

Ans. Each web page is identified by a unique web address called the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The URL has two parts: 

  1. Protocol identifier: It tells the internet browser what protocol need to be followed to access the address 
  2. Resource Name: It specifies the complete address of the resource on the internet. 

for example: In, the (http) is the protocol, and ( is the resource name.

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